Apple cider vinegar refreshers benefits

Why You Should Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed And How It Will Change Your Life

There is an old saying that goes like that, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!”

From cooking to home-made remedies for various common ailments, apple cider vinegar has been used since the Babylonian civilization.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid and has water, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and bacteria. These enzymes help the bacteria residing in the digestive tract act as good bacteria, which keep your digestive system healthy.

It has an excessive sour taste, which is due to the various acids present within it. One may have it coupled with olive oil to flavoring a raw salad to mask this acidic taste.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice can be used for different purposes as it has multiple beneficial effects on the human body.

To get the most out of it, all you have to do is take apple cider vinegar physicians choice with tea or drink it in the form of a concoction before going to bed.

Here are some useful facts for having apple cider vinegar before you go to bed.

1. Bye Bye Bad Breath! :

Have you ever wondered why you got that awful taste waking up in the morning? 

It is proven in various researches that Prevotella intermediaPorphyromonas gingivalis, and other Gram-negative bacteria residing in your mouth can cause bad breath.

The acetic acid of apple cider vinegar physicians choice restricts the growth of these harmful bacteria.

In a couple of ways, you can get this pleasing effect.

i) Take approximately 235 milliliters of lukewarm water mixed with 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice and gargle with it.


II) Mix 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice with approximately 235 milliliters of water and a slice of lemon for an extra kick and drink it. 

Voila! Your bad morning breath problem is now solved, and you have a fresh morning breath to greet your beloved ones.

apple cider vinegar refreshers benefits

2. Keep In Check Your Blood Sugar:

A significant cause of sleepless nights is due to the rise in the blood sugar level during bedtime.

It lowers the “Leptin” hormone in the body, which prevents the body fat from burning out.

In various researches, it is found that drinking apple cider vinegar physicians choice before going to bed can trigger the insulin receptors’ sensitivity for insulin inside the body, thus speeds up the fall in blood glucose level.

Insulin is known for its blood sugar regulatory function. If insulin becomes replenished in the bloodstream, there is a high risk of having Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus.

In another research, the result shows that apple cider vinegar physicians choice can promote your satiety, which decreases the hike in the blood sugar level in your sleep.

If you’re not a known case of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, take 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice before your sleep regularly for a good night’s sleep.

But if you are on medications for diabetes, consult with your physician and see whether he/she has to suggest regarding the consumption of apple cider vinegar physicians choice.

3. Hiccups Gone! :

Some people may find the intense sour taste of apple cider vinegar physicians choice disturbing but guess what?

The sour taste of apple cider vinegar physicians choice is a remedy for your hiccups!

A home-made remedy using apple cider vinegar physicians choice and sweeteners applied by a young teen girl exhibited a remarkable effect on hiccups.

The mechanism could be like it may switch off the brunches of nerves located in the back of the throat, which are known to initiate the hiccup reflex.

Nerves get busy to suppress the acidic taste of the apple cider vinegar physicians choice. In this fuss, hiccups run away.

To get this beneficial effect, drink 15 milliliters of full-strength apple cider vinegar physicians choice and see the magic!

apple cider vinegar refreshers benefits

4. Get Rid Of Your Congested Sinuses:

Sinus congestion occurs because the blood vessels inside the sinuses got irritated by flu, cold, allergens, and become inflamed.

The treatment of choice is to boost your immune system to clean up the sinuses’ infection.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice can wipe out the harmful substances initiating clogging of the sinuses.

The vitamins, especially vitamin B complexes, various minerals like potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants of apple cider vinegar physicians choice can shed the excessive mucus layer from the nasal tissues’ lining.

In this way, the airways get cleaned up, and you can breathe easily.

For a soothing effect, take 15 milliliters of undiluted apple cider vinegar physicians choice before going to bed.

So, next time, when you think of buying a nasal decongestant from your nearest pharmacy, put your trust in apple cider vinegar physicians choice as a companion in crisis.

5. A Potent Weight Reducer:

Most people want an effortless trick to lose their extra weight. You will be glad to know that apple cider vinegar physicians choice can make that wish comes true!

How? Let me tell you.

Getting overweight is related to insomnia, a condition when you can’t sleep.

It induces the release of hormones known to produce your immense cravings at the late hours, namely “Leptin” and “Ghrelin”.

The good news is the apple cider vinegar physicians choice has a potent satiety inducing agent called “Pectin”. This pectin impels that part of the brain responsible for the feeling of fulfillment.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice regulates the conversion of carbs into calories. In this way, getting extra weight from the feeling of being hungry is overpowered.

In research, the obese people taking 15 to 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice with half a liter of water or a soft drink every night are found to lose their weight than those who considered not to.  

Another vital component of apple cider vinegar physicians choice is acetic acid, which prevents fat accumulation in your waistline and initiates fat burning, which also aids in losing weight.

Make it a habit to sip a cup of tea mixed with a small amount of apple cider vinegar physicians choice before grabbing your pillow and quilt for continuous sleep.

6. Put A Hold On Acid Reflux:

Many people have a low amount of acid present in their stomach. It occurs because of the medication for acid reflux suppression used. 

When your acidic content is low in the stomach, it tries to produce an adequate amount of acid by its movement. 

This mechanism creates a force that pushes some of the acids towards your oral cavity, producing heartburn and a sour taste in your mouth.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice contains a necessary quantity of acids to suffice the acidic contents of the stomach, thus helps in maintaining the equilibrium inside your body. 

Another significant reason for the acid reflux is the presence of Helicobacter pylori; a bacterium holds accountable for this condition.

The acidity of apple cider vinegar physicians choice reduces the growth of this bacterium inside your digestive tract so that the balance could be preserved.

To get rid of acid reflux, drink half a liter of water mixed with 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice before an hour of your sleep and let it do the work!

7. Soothing Effect On Sore Throat:

Sore throat or, itchy throat is a common and painful condition once in a lifetime for all age of people.

This condition appeared when the tonsils situated at the back of your throat got inflamed by Streptococcus pyogenes, a beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

As the apple cider vinegar physicians choice contains lactic acid, acetic acid, malic acid, oleic acid; it makes the environment uninhabitable for this group of bacteria, making apple cider vinegar physicians choice a mighty, natural antibacterial product.

Suppose you are suffering from sore throat condition. In that case, you have to consume 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice thrice at 30 minutes intervals before putting yourself on to the bed to calm that dry, itchy feeling of your throat.

8. Give Rest To Your Legs:

Legs without rest or, the leg cramps could be hideous at times that you will get awake in the middle of the night trying to figure out what should you do!?

Leg cramps are common in athletes because of the boundless use of the leg muscles during work out.

If you fall prey to leg cramps, it’s an alarming sign that your body lacks sufficient minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium in your food plan.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice has plenty of these essential minerals which will restock the deficiency in your body.

Drink a mixture of 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice in approximately 235 milliliters of water to enhance your body’s potassium levels to help yourself up of getting rid of this unwanted, painful condition.

apple cider vinegar refreshers benefits

9. Say “No” To Stomach Upset:

Your tummy may get upset for many reasons. Eating fatty foods or consumption of alcohols or caffeine may cause indigestion leading to stomach upset.

A holistic approach for the remedy of stomach upset could be apple cider vinegar physicians choice rather than purchasing over-the-counter medication for it.

Apple cider vinegar physicians choice alleviates the stomach upset by maintaining equilibrium to gastro-intestinal tract’s pH level. Thus, it keeps the proper level of acidity of the digestive system, and in this way, it reduces bloating and stomach aches.

Take 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar physicians choice and mix it with approximately 250 milliliters of lukewarm water to calm your stomach upset.

Final Thought

So you see, apple cider vinegar physicians choice has numerous beneficial effects on our health. But the notion of concern is you have to take it as prescribed; otherwise, you can get a harmful effect rather than benefits.

3. Bleeding during tooth brushing

It is a very common problem that almost everyone may face. Bleeding during tooth brushing is very irritating and sometimes may painful. Sometimes it may bleeds from the gum without even tooth brushing. This occurs due to deposition of plaque and formation of calculus inside your oral cavity. Plaque and calculus cause gingivitis and if untreated, later it might cause serious oral disease. Gingivitis is associated with gum bleeding, inflammation, pain, redness of gum etc. Regular tooth brushing properly, flossing and eating healthy food can prevent such kind of problem.

4. Sensitivity in your teeth

One of the most common problems in your teeth is sensitivity. This occurs due to various reasons. Most common reasons are eating acidic beverage frequently,  plaque and calculus buildup, cracked teeth, gum recession, long term use of mouthwash, faulty tooth brushing etc. Always try to maintain your dentist’s advice to prevent such kind of problem. Maintain your oral hygiene, regular brush and floss your teeth properly. Avoid prolong use of mouthwash. Using fluoride rich toothpaste may improve this condition.

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